God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim

God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim
God the Father of Mercy - Subscribe and receive frequent messages that the Lord has shared over the years. Painting by Cecil Kim, Copyright 2008.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Jesus: “Why not give God a chance to make something out of nothing with your life?"

Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015

Message:  Jesus: “Why not give God a chance to make something out of nothing with your life?"

"Let God the Father make you something from nothing!  Why nothing?  The Father created the universe from nothing, Jesus: I left everything I had in heaven and became nothing. Like the Father, I redeemed and recreated the entire world from nothing but chaos. Lose your chaos.  Reject pride, your possessions and your money so the Father can fill you with everything that is eternal.  Become nothing!" 

Long ago, there was nothing at all. There was no universe, no sky, no sun, no moon, no stars, and no Earth. There was no water. There were no plants, no trees, no animals, and no people. Nothing existed. Nothing at all. Except, of course, God. He has always existed.  The Bible tells us . . .

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day."   Genesis 1:1–5.

(Photo - Jesus takes empty stone cold jars and out of nothing, brings to the wine steward the best beverage ever for the wedding feast at Canaan.) 


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Father God: There Exists Light and Dark, Good and Evil in the Universe

Date: Monday, May 17, 2021

Message: Father God: There Exists Light and Dark, Good and Evil in the Universe

After a near-death experience for thirty minutes in 2005 (my story is in "Proof of the Afterlife 2" which contains both books 1 and 2), I met God the Father behind a gray screen. In the years since then he continues to speak almost weekly or more. Here is what I know about UFOs, aka UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) as told from the other side.

There are endless numbers of civilizations throughout the universe. Not all intelligent beings look like us but many do. The earth is the only civilization in the universe that rejected God's only Son when he visited each of the other colonized worlds. All the others accepted Christ's love and his representation of the Father wholeheartedly.

Just as the universe is made of light and dark, it is also made of good and evil. God the Father has confined all evil to the environs of the earth. That is because all other civilizations throughout the cosmos passed the test, we did not.

Now enters UAP/UFOs. As is the universe, there are both good and evil UAP. Evil UAP are manufactured by pure evil fallen angels. They are capable of deception to the highest degree - such as "good", light, ethereal other-worldly experiences and many other falsehoods.

The beings that have crashed here look like clones. That is because only God can create real humans with a body, soul and spirit. Also, they would not crash here if God sent them. It is also why these beings slaughter animals and have documented human and livestock abductions. They are trying to duplicate our God-given bodies, souls and spirits. God's beings from other worlds would never treat us badly.

Now the good UAP. These are permitted by God the Father and Him alone to visit here. Jesus said that "In the last days there would be signs in the heavens." He also said, "I have other sheep but they are not of this flock." Good beings sent by God whether angels or members of His other civilizations with advanced technology have one thing in common. They would never do anything unloving because God is love.

Some God-given UAP are permitted to come here to humble the White House, Moscow world leaders and military technology. That is because Scripture tells us, "God humbles the proud and exalts the lowly". That is why Jesus was Resurrected and exalted after the humiliation of the crucifixion.

Therefore, when a UAP humbles military people, jet fighters and the human race with their technology, then that is good. If an UAP abducts, abuses, pinches, draws blood, crashes air craft, kills people, etc. they are not from God's advanced colonies. They are mastered by evil in the universe which have been confined to earthly realms.

In fact, when Christ comes very soon for His Bride, the Church. Those left behind will be told by the government that these people were abducted by aliens. That is why evil-based UFOs are working overtime to master the skies for this deception. This lie will sell well because no one wishes to think they were left behind.

Hope this helps as very soon the Pentagon and other world leaders come forth with unclassified information that UFOs are real. Yes, they are real but they need to be placed into the context of spiritual reality and cosmic theological truth.

God the Father has continued to speak almost weekly since 2005. All that He has said I have written in the Amazon hardcover and Kindle, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" by Brother Gary Joseph +

All book sales go directly to (100%) the 80,000 homeless we serve in Southern California and beyond by the "Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc." May God bless you as you read.

Bro. Joseph's Near-Death Experience Story Rocked With Visions and Messages

Explore hundreds of the Lord's messages He has shared over the past fifteen years.

  Brother Joseph is the author of this blog, author of his near-death testimony books since 2005, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" (con...