The Apostle Paul has good news for the Church. All who confess, repent and are thus in a state of grace, they escape the wrath of God to come. Be comforted! "Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come." 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John sees a vision where in it, two-thirds of the earth's inhabitants die. God permits 7 years containing 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls of wrath that are poured out upon the earth. Christ returns at the end, whereas every eye shall see Him and every knee shall bow. The Church, containing those in a state of grace, are Raptured to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb before the opening of the first Seal. Jesus loves His Bride the Church very much. He has bought her with the price of His own blood. Christ has arranged with the Father for the Church to be evacuated before the wrath that is to come. Hope this helps!