"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." Acts 2:17 Messages from GOD are posted frequently. Subscribe in the right column, middle of the page for a feed to your home page. Or click on Follow in the left column for messages direct to your email.
God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim

God the Father of Mercy - Subscribe and receive frequent messages that the Lord has shared over the years. Painting by Cecil Kim, Copyright 2008.
Monday, February 27, 2023
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Matthew's Gospel chapter 25 famously captures Jesus' discourse on the end-times, Jesus concludes the chapter with a parable of a King that returns unannounced. Only to create a great divide upon his return. Yes, Jesus is all about love. May we never forget at his Second Coming he also comes as King and judge. Please share this video as it retells Jesus' story of the King, the Great Divide and the Shepherd's sheep that receive eternal life.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
BEING RAPTURE READY! DREAM - VISION OF JESUS' FOOTBALL GAME In a dream - vision, Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at about 4:00 am, the Lord Jesus spoke concerning God the Father's judgment just before the Rapture to determine the "Bride of Christ." You know, the ones that have oil in their lamps and the ones that do not. How does God separate the sheep from the goats? (Matthew 25) See regular guys sitting around in a group speaking with Jesus - typical guys with lots of talk, middle-aged and each has a history. The men are Asian, Hispanic, Black and White. All are self-professed sinners. Here is what Jesus said about football, God the Father and how a person may be surefire rapture ready . . .
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Jesus: “Keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Therefore, "Who is a wise and faithful servant waiting for their master?"
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
On November 19, 2005, it had been only 6 weeks since encountering the Lord in 30-minute near-death experience. On this morning in the early hours, the Lord took me with him out of body across the United States and across the Atlantic Ocean arriving in Italy at Vatican City in the year 2023. Behind closed doors, I observed a great meeting of Church leaders. They were in one accord to discuss the growing persecution of Christians and wars throughout the world. It seemed as though all of humanity was in dire straits. This is what I wrote in my journal on November 19, 2005. After peering through the doors of the Sistine Chapel. the Lord said, "When you see this meeting, it's the end of the end."
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Recently, I went to three different grocery stores over three months looking for a box of barley. Unfortunately, none of the workers knew what barley was or how it was used in cooking. It seems to be that way with a lot of our life and history that is valuable but has disappeared. This new video wakes up the past as prophecy of the future. Telling us each one and all that we have arrived at the END OF THE END. TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!
Friday, February 10, 2023
During the night of February 9, 2023, the Lord granted a dream where in it he spoke six times, "This is my final warning." From Jesus, a quiet and profound man of few words, he grants multiple insights in this video from his very short message, "This is my final warning. “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as they did in the wilderness when they provoked me.” Hebrews 3:15
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Rapture 2023 the Time is NOW to Book, Reserve and Confirm Departure Reservations After being dead for 30 minutes in 2005, a NDE heart attack, a God-encounter as well as 18 years of dreams, visions, messages and warnings, the Lord continues to speak. Since February and March 2013 the Lord has granted many dreams and visions confirming he would return for the Church no later than the 10th year of Pope Francis. He was confirmed March 13, 2013. We must take heed and be prepared to go with the Lord at any moment. Please share with family and friends today's new video. Everyone can relate and understand getting ready for a flight. Only this flight is paid for in full by the blood of Christ. The Rapture is free to all who make the call. Call on the name of the Lord and you and your household will be saved at the coming of the Lord in 2023. You or your family may not have the elegance of speech to tell others that the Day of the Lord is near. However, everyone can share this video. Plant the seed and God will do the rest. May God bless you and your family, and friends. i will be praying for you. Brother Joseph + “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as they did in the wilderness when they provoked me.” Hebrews 3:15
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Bro. Joseph's Near-Death Experience Story Rocked With Visions and Messages
Explore hundreds of the Lord's messages He has shared over the past fifteen years.
Brother Joseph is the author of this blog, author of his near-death testimony books since 2005, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" (con...
Yesterday the Lord was sharing that a major untrackable event is coming like what happened out of Wuhan, China but greater. This will cau...
In February of 2013, the Lord came in a dream and said, "I will return within 10 years (2023) of the new pope." A few weeks ...