"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." Acts 2:17 Messages from GOD are posted frequently. Subscribe in the right column, middle of the page for a feed to your home page. Or click on Follow in the left column for messages direct to your email.
God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim

God the Father of Mercy - Subscribe and receive frequent messages that the Lord has shared over the years. Painting by Cecil Kim, Copyright 2008.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
On January 30, 2023 the Lord granted an URGENT dream vision by doubling the same scenes twice in the night. We must take heed. We must be prepared to go with the Lord at any moment. “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the day of rebellion.” Psalm 95:7-11 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as they did when they provoked me.” Hebrews 3:15
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Ten Rapture Miracles Point Us To Jesus Our Saving Ark In 2023
C. J. Lovik, YouTube's "Rock Island Books" says, "Pattern is Prophecy". Discover 10 Rapture miracles across the entire Bible that point us to Jesus, our saving Ark coming for His Bride the Church in 2023. As we see, God always provides a timely Rapture, an evacuation for the people of God in every age. The Apostle Paul said, “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him” (1 Thess. 5:9–10). Please comfort one another with the power of God's word in this new video. Share the good news, we are not destined for wrath. Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Please visit many other insightful videos announcing the Great Day of the Lord in 2023 at our channel:https://www.youtube.com/@BrotherJosephsFm
Seek encouragement at our other End-Times media:
My 2005 NDE testimony and 18 years of dreams, visions, messages and warnings are available in the book "Proof of the Afterlife 2" contains books 1/2. Available in Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle Unlimited and various sellers in paperback and hardback. Here is the link:
May God bless you and your family. I will be praying for you.
Brother Joseph +
Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc.Saturday, January 21, 2023
Since a 2005 NDE dead for thirty minutes, God has opened His floodgates and added aftershocks filled with 17 years of frequent dreams, visions, God-encounters, angel encounters, messages and warnings for the years 2023 to 2030 and beyond.
On New Year's Eve 2023 the Lord spoke in the night, "Be prepared to go at any moment."
Be inspired and get ready for the Great Day of the Lord coming soon and very soon.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Receiving 17 years of dreams, visions and messages from the Lord after having a NDE heart attack in 2005 and dead for 30 minutes. Now, since New Year's Eve 2023 the Lord has clearly spoken an urgent message to the Church, "Be prepared to go at any moment." However, many are concerned about being ready for Jesus our Bridegroom when he comes to Rapture the Bride, the Church. Don't worry. Watch this video in the privacy of your room, office or home. Pray with me in the video and take the "Examination of Conscience" as we let Holy Scripture speak. I will be praying for you that this exercise may be profitable for your eternal soul. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments
#Rapture #Endtimes #SecondComing #JesusChrist
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
WINTER 2023 WORLDWIDE STORM ALERT! What happens just before and after Rapture of the Church? How soon is soon? The Resurrection of the Dead? The marriage of Bride of Christ? "Blessed are they who have been invited to the wedding supper of Christ, the Lamb." Rev 19:16
#rapturedreams #rapture #raptureisclosernow #endtimes #secondcomingofjesus #endtimesmessage #endtime #secondcoming #secondcomingofjesus #LatterDays #endoftheendtimes
Monday, January 2, 2023
WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? HISTORIC WORLD NEWS ALERT: Rapture, End Times, Latter Days and Out of Time!
#rapturedreams #rapture #raptureisclosernow #endtimes #endtimesmessage #endtime #secondcoming #secondcomingofjesus
Bro. Joseph's Near-Death Experience Story Rocked With Visions and Messages
Explore hundreds of the Lord's messages He has shared over the past fifteen years.
Brother Joseph is the author of this blog, author of his near-death testimony books since 2005, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" (con...
Yesterday the Lord was sharing that a major untrackable event is coming like what happened out of Wuhan, China but greater. This will cau...
In February of 2013, the Lord came in a dream and said, "I will return within 10 years (2023) of the new pope." A few weeks ...