"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." Acts 2:17 Messages from GOD are posted frequently. Subscribe in the right column, middle of the page for a feed to your home page. Or click on Follow in the left column for messages direct to your email.
God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim

God the Father of Mercy - Subscribe and receive frequent messages that the Lord has shared over the years. Painting by Cecil Kim, Copyright 2008.
Friday, December 30, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Historic News Alert! Rapture is Christmastime 2022 to Epiphany Week January 8-16, 2023. Millions disappear. (Video)
In November the Lord spoke audibly one night saying, "The time is right. The stars are right." At the end of November, Jesus spoke again encouraging us to "Standby" (for departure). In June while awake, he revealed in hologram format a life-size pure gold steam engine train barreling toward earth for the Rapture. Early December, in a deep sleep the Lord rang the front doorbell at 08:00am. After checking it out and seeing no one there, it was time to get some more rest. Then Christ gave a vision of His hand and cloak while His fingers turned the front door knob. He then gave a message to us, "I am no longer standing at the door knocking (Revelation 3:20). I am here. I have arrived. I am walking into your home at this very moment in time to receive you unto Myself."
If anyone does not depart 2022 Christmastime, there is another Rapture later in 2029 when Christ and all His saints return to rule and reign for 1,000 years. People have from 2023 - 2030 to repent of being lukewarm and/or repent of forsaking God heretofore. Are you reading this after the Rapture? Would you like a second chance to be Raptured in 2029? If so, then pray this prayer. "Lord Jesus, I am sorry for offending you. I repent of my selfishness, pride and worldliness. Jesus, I invite you into my heart right now to rule and reign in me forever. Take all of me. I am yours forever. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer. Amen"
May God bless you, you and yours greatly, each one and all. Brother Joseph, Servants of the Father of Mercy, Inc. December 24, 2022
You will find additional Heaven-sent encouragement, insights and explanations about the times you are living. Go to my blog with weekly messages from the Lord. http://www.SonsShallProphesy.Blogspot.com
Here is a link to my NDE testimony in Kindle format, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" contains both books 1/2. The read connects individuals and families with many supernatural events, ongoing since 2005 and journaled in this book. Angel visitations, transportation out-of-body, Raptures with the Lord and clear messages from Jesus about the years 2022 to 2030.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Historic News Alert! Rapture is Christmastime 2022 to Epiphany Week January 8-16, 2023. Millions disappear. PT 1/3
In a 2005 NDE heart attack and dead for 30 minutes, God spoke behind a gray screen, "I will Rapture ready Christians Christmastime 2022." Cf. 1 Thes. 4:16-18 Cf. "Proof of the Afterlife 2" on Kindle, Contains Books 1/2 by Bro. Joseph +
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Bro. Joseph's Near-Death Experience Story Rocked With Visions and Messages
Explore hundreds of the Lord's messages He has shared over the past fifteen years.
Brother Joseph is the author of this blog, author of his near-death testimony books since 2005, "Proof of the Afterlife 2" (con...
Yesterday the Lord was sharing that a major untrackable event is coming like what happened out of Wuhan, China but greater. This will cau...
In February of 2013, the Lord came in a dream and said, "I will return within 10 years (2023) of the new pope." A few weeks ...