God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim

God the Fatherof Mercy by Cecil Kim
God the Father of Mercy - Subscribe and receive frequent messages that the Lord has shared over the years. Painting by Cecil Kim, Copyright 2008.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Hope this helps to understand past, present and future "Time" a little bit better.

I call this photo line, "Time." Designed it to pick up 4,000 years after Adam exactly at the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Who was born in approximately 3 A.D. (dates can vary slightly because of some discrepancies in early Roman calendar keeping).

After his birth, the next big event is the establishment of the "Church Age," the Body of Christ on Pentecost in 33 A.D.

The next big event after that is the Evacuation and the Resurrection/ Rapture of the Church, now becoming the "Bride of Christ" in 2022 to 2030, while we attend a seven-day (years) Jewish wedding (in heaven).

Next comes the "Great Tribulation" that Jesus described to the Apostles in Matthew 24/25 and to John in the Book of Revelation. The years are 2023 to 2030 (on earth).

The next big event after that is the "Second Coming of Christ." With Jesus, the Church is to rule and reign for 1,000 years.

Lastly, "Time" enters Eternity in 3030 when God the Father delivers to his Son and his Bride, the Church a "New Heavens and a New Earth." 

Hope this helps to understand past, present and future "Time" a little bit better.  Be blessed. Be comforted. This is our Faith. This is our Hope. brother joseph +


Should we not all learn to get along now?

Saturday, April 16, 2022

We must pray that God may, "Cut these days short for the sake of the elect." Matthew 24:22





Time has entered the "Seven Seals" of Revelation. After the Church is taken to the "Wedding Feast of the Lamb," then comes upon the earth "Seven Trumpets" and the "Seven Bowls of the Wrath of the Lamb." From 2023 to the return of Christ who comes to "Rule and Reign" in 2030, two-thirds of the world population dies (4 to 5 billion souls).






A more detailed guide follows below for the years 1948 (Israel becomes a nation) to 2030 when Israel becomes God's capitol of the world and Jerusalem the capitol city. Jesus, King David, Apostles and all the Saints from all time rule across the globe under their rule.






A young lady asked today on LinkedIn about the safety of Christians during the seven years of the "Great Tribulation." Here is a response that hopefully may comfort you and your family:

The only Christians that may still be on the earth in 2023 from the current lot of us are haters, unforgivers, self-righteous, hypocrites and the lukewarm. All other Christians are being evacuated in the Rapture of the Church some time in 2022 before the "Great Tribulation" of 2023 to 2030.

In those 7 years many will convert to Christ, especially in Israel. They are called "Tribulation Saints." The Saints are rescued at the Second Coming in 2030 and welcomed at that time into the Church, the "Bride of Christ."

All the Saints with Christ will rule and reign with Him from 2030 to 3030. Eternity begins in 3030 along with the Kingdom of Heaven.

Hope this helps!

Friday, April 15, 2022


Jesus appeared on the scene after 4,000 years of prophecy. Think, the four weeks of Advent. Each represents 1,000 years that the people lived in darkness.

Jesus began his ministry in the year 30.

In the year 2030 Jesus continues his ministry here on earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Not just Handle's Messiah anymore. But the real thing!)

Now subtract 7 years from 2030. What do you get? 2023.

That is the beginning of the "Birth Pains" Jesus talks about in Matthew 24/25. The Book of Revelation written by the Apostle John calls 2023 to 2030 the "Great Tribulation."

The Church is Raptured before 2023. The only Christians left here are Haters and Lukewarm. Jesus said to John, "I will spit them out of my mouth."




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